Friday, 1 February 2013

First work session

Today we have had our first session. I realise that people have very different ways of approaching their characters so It will be nessessary for me to hold some lectures on drawing and specify exactly what I'm looking for

Monday, 28 January 2013

Here is storyboard Showing the Beginning and End of the animation, the middle is still need improvement and needs to be carefully choreographed.

The Idea

So here are the first few designs for the project. The story will revolve around one 3D character using a martial art called "jui jitsu" to defeat 2D characters. In my mind i would like these 2D characters to be loosely drawn and animated so as to get the feeling that these are 2D characters. There will be not facial movement and the pace of the animation will be fast.

2D V. 3D

Hello and Welcome to the 2D v. 3D blog hopefully i post new work every week and show the progression of the project on this site.